Category: "Business Owners"
2021 Federal Budget: The GBL Perspective
On April 19th, 2021 Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland presented the 2021 Federal Budget: A Recovery Plan for Jobs, Growth, and Resilience. Unlike many past budgets, this budget was long on measures in regard to spending with little changes to the areas of personal taxes, corporate taxes, RSP and Pension limits, or capital gains taxes. Of […]
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GBL: 25 Years of Pushing The Actuarial Consulting Industry Forward
How our mission to empower Canadian business owners and incorporated professionals has continuously evolved As with most companies that had to forgo celebrating their 25th anniversary in 2020, GBL is proudly celebrating its 26th anniversary in 2021 (and hopefully the final year of the COVID-19 pandemic). We are proud of our resilience and accomplishments, and […]
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The Pursuit of Financial Stability in Turbulent Economic Times
Business Owners, IPP, RCA, FMV
As we have officially moved on from what is widely considered to be the most tumultuous and disruptive year of our generation, many advisors are cautiously optimistic as we navigate through 2021. Though the COVID-19 vaccine rollout gives much hope for this year, there are many who worry about changes in tax policy in order […]
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Bill 213: Making IPPs Better for Small Businesses and Incorporated Professionals in Ontario
On December 8, 2020, Bill 213 received Royal Assent by the Ontario Government. The purpose of Bill 213 is to reduce the burdens of regulation on businesses. Coined the Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, Bill 213 covers off many different facets of regulation in Ontario. One of the major wins for small businesses […]
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COVID-19 – FAQ about your IPP during this uncertain time
First and foremost, we hope that everyone is staying safe while we deal with the outbreak and spread of COVID-19. We at GBL are doing everything we can to keep our employees and clients safe, while still being available to service your pension needs and provide the customer support you are accustomed to. We wanted […]
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Individual Pension Plan (IPP) vs Personal Pension Plan
GBL has received inquiries regarding the Individual Pension Plan (IPP) and a competitor’s offering called the Personal Pension Plan. The purpose of this document is to outline the similarities and differences and to debunk any myths surrounding one option over another. It is important to note the Defined Benefit (DB) component of the Personal Pension […]
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GBL Inc. and Link Investment Management partner to offer cost-effective employer-sponsored retirement savings plans.
CALGARY, Alberta (January 21, 2020) — Link Investment Management Inc. (“Link”), an innovative provider of employer-sponsored compensation and pension plans, has partnered with GBL Inc. (“GBL”), an actuarial consulting firm who are experts on Individual Pension Plans (IPPs), Retirement Compensation Agreements (RCAs) and Health Benefit Plans for business owners. Link and GBL are pleased to […]
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RRSP Season: A great opportunity to review alternative planning options such as Individual Pension Plans (IPPs)
During the 1990s, RRSP (or RSP) season was seen primarily as a time where clients would sit down with their Advisor, review their RRSP portfolio, and provide a cheque for their annual contribution. For many, the focus was to make sure that the contribution cheque was received by their financial institution before the last day […]
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Charitable Gifting Using Insurance: Unlocking Value After the Risk is Covered Off
In every stage of life, there are different needs and there are often concerns about risk. One example being, “If I were to die, how will my family be able to cover our expenses, taxes, or debts?” Life Insurance is the most common vehicle utilized to address this risk. There are two types of Life […]
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Selling your Business? How the RCA can be an Important Planning Tool
For majority of business owners, the sale of their business represents a bulk of their retirement savings. Years of hard work, sacrifices, and sweat equity has led to the moment of sale with a big pot of gold. The sale of the business is not always a share sale, and in the case of a […]
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