Tagged with: "#DB"
Why SERPs are Increasingly Popular and Rectify Limits to Standard Executive Compensation Plans
SERPs offer companies the opportunity to attract and retain top talent by addressing the limits to standard executive retirement plans Laura Davis January 30th, 2025 Many corporate executives today are enrolled in executive retirement plans that fail to provide them sufficient retirement income based on their earnings due to limits within their standard retirement plans. […]
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Defined Benefit Plans not all Created Equal: The HOOPP Plan vs an Individual Pension Plan (IPP)
Last updated: January 14, 2025 Introduction Defined Benefit Pension Plans (#DB plans) are considered the gold standard for employee #retirement plans. They provide the member with the knowledge that they will receive a known, guaranteed income stream in retirement that may increase with inflation, without the risk of market fluctuations or longevity. For employers, these […]
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