Category: "Business Owners"
All Eyes On The IPP: A Favoured Retirement and Tax Saving Powerhouse for Business Owners and Professional Corporations
“What kind of parallel universe are we living in?” is a question we’ve asked ourselves and our clients over the past 21 months given that actuaries seem to have become the people in the room whom everybody wants to talk to. Actuaries are a cool group, don’t get me wrong, but the attention GBL has […]
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2018 Federal Budget: Clarifying the Passive Income Conundrum
Since tax changes were proposed for Canadian Controlled Private Corporations (CCPCs) in July 2017, small business owners, incorporated professionals and their tax advisors have been in a holding pattern as to how to manage passive assets. Proposals at the time called for two pools of assets: Pre Jan 1, 2018 and post Dec 31, 2017. […]
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2018 Income Tax Planning
Business Owners, IPP, News, RCA
First off, we would like to wish you and your clients a Happy and Prosperous 2018! As we are all aware and unlike our neighbours to the South, combined top Federal and Provincial Income Tax Rates in Canada are near to or over 50%. In addition, the 2018 Federal Budget may penalize many taxpayers with […]
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The Resurgence of the IPP: A Favoured Retirement and Tax Saving Powerhouse
The Good News: Despite tax increases and reduced savings strategies for the top 5% of Canadians, the 2016 personal tax season has ended in Canada…Finally. The Bad News: Now at the end of May, you and your clients are likely feeling the corporate tax pinch. The Ugly News: Tax policy for Business Owners and Professional […]
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2017 Federal Budget: Much Ado About Nothing
For the Financial Services community, the 2017 Federal Budget will more be known for what it did not contain rather than what it contained. The increase of the Capital Gains Inclusion rate from 50% to 66% or 75%, the taxation of health and dental Benefits to employees, and any changes to the principal residence exemption […]
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The Taxman Cometh: Financial Strategy in an Increasingly Hostile Tax Environment
The perpetual arms race between increasing and decreasing taxes in Canada, alongside the use of strategies that help taxpayers pay less of their hard earned dollars to government coffers date back to the birth of our great country. Keeping said arms race flourishing are changing governments and tax policies. Imagine this: You’re a […]
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Seven reasons why you should think (more) about your retirement
1. You want the freedom to choose early retirement. The recent flexibility of acceptable retirement ages has given Canadians more to consider when planning their future. How can you be sure you will have sufficient asset to be able to choose early retirement? Just as any successful business relies on a business plan for it’s success, […]
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